  • Stabdeckplatte-Teak-mit-Gummifugen

Marine Plywood

Plywood for different purposes

You are looking for Marine Plywood? We produce a wide range of Marine Plywood for different purposes, e.g. interior boatbuilding, flooring, hull- and deckbuilding, panels for deck area etc.

Bootsbausperrholz Standardformate (link zur Produktkategorie)

If you don´t need a whole panel, please have a look at this section
Undersizes / cuttings / left-overs

Plywood special items
Current lists of special items to special prices
Atlantic Aningre beids. Messerfurnier
Atlantic Macore beids. Messerfurnier
Atlantic Teak beids. Messerfurnier
Atlantic Lati Messerfurnier
Flugzeugsperrholz Macore Messerfurnier

+49 4542 84 64-0